Travelling from Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport (NAT) to Hercilio Luz International Airport (FLN): what you need to know
Be prepared for bigger queues during popular months such as June and other peak periods. Arriving up to fours hours ahead of international flights and two hours for a domestic departure will give you ample time for security and boarding.
Once you've found cheap ticket from NAT to FLN, get your travel documents ready. A visa or passport isn't required as you're travelling within Brazil. As long as you have another identity document, like an ID card or driver's license, you're all set.
How to find the cheapest flights from Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport (NAT) to Hercilio Luz International Airport (FLN)
122 € is currently the lowest price for a one-way ticket from Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport to Hercilio Luz International Airport. Return flights start at 277 €. These prices may change based on availability and demand.
Don't wait until the last minute. You're more likely to get cheap tickets from NAT to FLN if you book in advance. Airlines often offer some great early bird deals.
If you're willing to be flexible with your travel dates, try using the 'Whole month' tool. It'll find the lowest price across the month when looking for your ticket from Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport to Hercilio Luz International Airport.
Getting a cheap ticket from NAT to FLN is easy with Price Alerts. All you need to do is create one of these automatic alerts and we'll get in touch as soon as the price has dropped.
Use filters to find the ideal trip for you. To see the 'Best,' 'Fastest' or 'Cheapest' flights from Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport to Hercilio Luz International Airport, use the 'Sort by' function. You can also filter results by departure and arrival times, airline, and journey duration.
Handy information about Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport (NAT)
Travelling from central Natal to Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport takes about 1 hour and 32 minutes on public transport. If you drive, ride-share or hail a cab, you'll cover the 29 kilometres in 42 minutes or so, depending on traffic.
If you've booked an early flight from Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport to Hercilio Luz International Airport, why not stay close by? Avoid the hassle of rushing to the airport (and get some extra sleep) at Pousada da Rotatória. Pousada e Posto Amigão is another handy accommodation option near NAT.
Arriving at Hercilio Luz International Airport (FLN)
The last thing you want is a lengthy journey to your hotel if you're getting in late on a flight from Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport to Hercilio Luz International Airport. Reserve one of these accommodation options near FLN instead:
Getting from Hercilio Luz International Airport (FLN) to central Florianopolis
Hercilio Luz International Airport is approximately 18 kilometres from central Florianopolis. With a car rental or if you're catching a cab, the drive is around 21 minutes.
Travelling by public transport takes roughly 52 minutes.
When to fly to Hercilio Luz International Airport (FLN)
June is the busiest month for flights from Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport to Hercilio Luz International Airport. To escape the crowds, head to Florianopolis in April.
Before locking in your flight from Sao Goncalo do Amarante-Governador Aluizio Alves Intl Airport to Hercilio Luz International Airport, think about the type of weather you like. February is the warmest month in Florianopolis, with temperatures ranging from 21ºC to 29ºC.
July sees average temperatures of between 12ºC and 22ºC. Search for cheap tickets from NAT to FLN sometime around then if you like travelling in cooler conditions.
More about Florianopolis
Once you've locked in your flights from NAT to FLN, you'll need to find a hotel in Florianopolis. Make one of these accommodation options your base for exploring this popular destination:
All great holidays should include a little sightseeing. Joaquina beach, Farol da Barra da Lagoa and Hercilio Luz Bridge are must-visits when exploring Florianopolis.
Complete your Florianopolis trip with hotels and a car rental
You've booked your cheap ticket to Hercilio Luz International Airport — next on the list is finding a place to stay, and maybe even your own set of wheels. We've compared prices across hundreds of companies to bring you the top hotels and car rental deals in Florianopolis.